Project celebrates 10 years

The contribution to the restoration of the Kopurererua Valley Reserve by the Kopurererua Valley Rotary Centennial Trust during the last 10 years is being recognised.

Tauranga City Mayor Stuart Crosby and Tauranga MP Simon Bridges unveiled a plaque in the reserve to acknowledge the work of the trust this afternoon.

Tauranga MP Simon Bridges and Mayor Stuart Crosby at Kopurererua Valley Reserve.

Stuart says the drive and dedication the trust had put into achieving their vision of bringing life back into the valley deserved recognition.

'The project is believed to be one of the largest urban wetland restoration projects in Australasia and the time, effort and commitment that the trust have put into this project is truly impressive.

'Alongside Council and a number of other organisations they have helped begin to turn a weed infested and neglected piece of land on the doorstep of the city into an attractive and well used reserve.” Stuart says the fundraising efforts have resulted in about 200,000 native plants and trees being planted in the valley.

'They have also assisted the introduction of new boardwalks and cycle ways in the valley, making it more enjoyable for walkers and cyclists.”

Kopurererua Valley Rotary Centennial Trust chairman Ian Wilson says the trust was formed in 2004 as a result of the desire for a large scale, long term and ambitious millennium project for four local rotary clubs.

'Rotary has a long history of contributing to the community and the Kopurererua Valley Restoration Project is the most ambitious project undertaken by Rotary in Tauranga to date.

'We are very proud of what we have helped to achieve over the last ten years and we are looking forward to continuing to work with Council to develop and restore the rest of the valley.”

Other organisations that have also made significant contributions to the restoration project include Te Runanga O Te Ngai Tamarawaho, Comvita, Legacy Funerals, Trees for Survival, Opus International Ltd and Naturally Native NZ Plants.

The restoration project has achieved the following milestones to date:

*20 hectares of weed infested land cleared and 15 hectares of land replanted with about 200,000 native trees and plants.

*15km of boardwalks and walkways developed

*Partial stream and realignment and creation of several new lakes

*More than 50 community planting days

*About $1m worth of investment through the Kopurererua Valley Rotary Centennial Trust and in-kind support from City Partners.

*Monitoring shows a significant increase in the birdlife and biodiversity in the valley in recent years.


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