Boobs on Bikes: no arrests

Tauranga police are happy with how Boobs on Bikes proceeded and made no arrests during it.

About 3000 people gathered to watch the event as it travelled through town, along The Strand and Devonport Road.

See video interview below with Boobs on Bikes organiser Steve Crow and footage of police controlling protestors during the event.

Acting Area Commander Rob Glencross says overall the crowd was well-behaved and mostly cooperative when police requested people to move away from road edges.

Rob says there were two groups of protestors who attempted to stop the parade.

'The first group of protestors attempted to chain themselves across a pedestrian crossing, while a second group used the pedestrian crossing to protest with placards.

'The police presence at the event was to ensure public safety and maintain public order.

'Both protest actions compromised this, so we were forced to take appropriate action, removing the protesters from the area to allow the road to reopen.”
Rob says police respect the right of people to express their views.

'But when it compromises the safety of protesters or other members of the public, and disrupts normal traffic as it did in this case, we will take action.”

He says the location of the protest was a two-way road with protesters blocking both the parade and normal traffic attempting to travel in the opposite direction.

'The parade organiser was warned about the behaviour of one of the parade participants who was doing tyre burnouts on a dirt motorbike secured to a trailer.

'Even though the bike wasn't in contact with the road, this is still an offence.

'The organisers were warned, and if it happens again they will be issued with an infringement notice.”

Rob says part of the police operation included officers proactively approaching families with young children and elderly people prior to the event to make them aware of the parade and the nature of its content.

'There were some people who had deliberately chosen to bring their families to the event, both those in support of and against it, but we felt it was important to make others aware of it.”


Good on you protestors

Posted on 04-08-2011 14:59 | By waitandwatch

I think the protestors did a wonderful job. it was not too much or too long. the ultimate insult would have been if nobody turned up. i wish it had rained but it didn't. That satan came but left with his tail between his legs. he is most welcome next year but i hope it gets caught in a storm of a nautral kind. boooo steve whatever. i want to see your mother or sister and daughter!! bring them next year

Biggest story in Tauranga since the maori land wars

Posted on 04-08-2011 15:40 | By wreck1080

Ha ha , funny.


Posted on 04-08-2011 19:21 | By onthelevel

Get some help, you have got a real problem, you need medication ! society ought be very afraid of you and your type. Go back to the other world you say you come from, alien.


Posted on 04-08-2011 19:59 | By esquire

End of the day the parade was a good laugh. I really enjoyed the entertainment offered by both the bare-chested ladies and by the efforts of the protestors. I hope it comes back next year and the protestors protest harder to improve the overall entertainment value of the event. Great value!

The Scary Thing

Posted on 04-08-2011 20:21 | By Tony

Yep waitandwatch . I realy do believe you when you say...."Iwant to see your mother or sister and daughter" next year ...Thats what I find scary


Posted on 05-08-2011 13:38 | By gubbys

good on Steve glad they stuck it out and followed it through. its a great fun event and does fabulously for the shops and cafes money money money they need it so all in all this is fab. if you dont like it dont watch it! 3000 people turned up and i bet if it was on a saturday sooo many more people would have come to support the event! some people are stuck i the past get a life and get real we are womena nd yes we have breasts!! be proud of them! great event! if i wasnt pregnant i would have been then flashing my boobs for sure!

Good result

Posted on 05-08-2011 16:33 | By PeteDashwood

I didn't attend because of other priorities, but I'm really glad this was such a success. Nobody arrested or injured, a large crowd well entertained and local businesses profiting from it. Who knows... if it happens often enough even the "waitandwatchers" may modify their position...:-)


Posted on 05-08-2011 21:27 | By The author of this comment has been removed.

How come if someone flashes nude across a sports field when people are there for a match that person is arrested that these half or more naked girls were not arrested?

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