Operation Shadow: Further arrests, car recovered

Further arrests have been made as part of operation shadow, and a stolen car has been recovered.

Waikato Police undertook a significant operation focusing on illegal street racing activity across the Waikato district on Thursday 14 April.

'The operation involved Police staff from all over the North Island and vehicle inspectors from Waka Kotahi,” says Will Loughrin, Waikato West Area Commander.

'This phase of the ongoing Operation Shadow focused primarily on the safety and compliance of vehicles associated with a group of anti-social road users.

We know these vehicles are often heavily modified, and while many have been done legally and well, some take shortcuts and this can have unexpected consequences.”

'For example, if you lower a vehicle this can negatively impact the vehicle's ability to steer, brake, and corner and can have unexpected effects on these components.

Cars are designed to work as a unit, as a whole, and not be altered.”

The operation stretched well into the early hours of Easter Friday morning and yielded significant results.

Six vehicles were ordered off the road as defective or unsafe, six further vehicles were impounded by Police and 42 infringement notices were issued.

A stolen vehicle was recovered by Police, two drivers are facing drink driving charges, and one person was arrested for drug offending.

'Most pleasing is the immediate effect that the operation had on illegal street racing, with just only one complaint of illegal street racing activity that evening.

This is a real positive for the community,” Inspector Loughrin says.

Operation Shadow commenced in July 2019 with a focus on illegal street racing in the Waikato District.

The operation is ongoing, with no set end-date.

1 comment


Posted on 21-04-2022 18:23 | By Yadick

Keep up the great work but include the gangs motorbikes too. They're just as illegal.

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