Thieves targeting butchery cause untold damage

Doug Jarvis feels like he is being targeted and is at his wits end. Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

Mount Maunganui butcher Doug Jarvis is feeling at the end of his tether after another burglary at his shop.

Local customers and supporters are also angry that thieves keep targeting Doug Jarvis Butcher & Deli.

'I'm getting kicked from all angles,” says Doug, who has experienced theft as well as break-ins, causing thousands of dollars' worth of damage.

'On Saturday night I got a call from the security company who said my alarm was going off. I looked at the camera and saw the doors had been smashed in.”

He says police pulled the car over on Tuesday morning, and he has footage showing the burglars.

'But we can't prove it was them even though I have footage.”

'It's a real nightmare. It's not the meat, but the damage they've done to the shop was thousands of dollars.

'There was no meat in the storage, so the offenders broke into the store.

'On Saturday night they broke into outdoor storage area first, which was empty. It was unlocked but they put a rope around the towbar to drag the chiller about 30 feet. Then they prised the bolts off with a crowbar, opened it and found it empty.

'So they broke in through the back door of the premises. They took about $600 worth of meat but it was the damage they've done that's in the thousands.”

He says his excess insurance has gone.

'It makes my premiums go higher and higher. Soon they won't insure me because I'm becoming a high risk.

'It's the aftermath of it, fixing the doors and repairs, it takes its toll,” says Doug. 'I feel like I'm being targeted.”

Many of Doug's customers and supporters are angry and upset at what he's had to endure.

'Sorry to see this Doug. Why is it that people think it is OK to steal from hard working people & business owners,” writes one person on Doug's Facebook page.

'Not again. Trouble is there are no consequences. As others have said we need to support local businesses and places like this so that they can keep running. They are run by hard working owners and staff and every sale helps. Don't let them beat you,” writes another.

Camera footage shows people taking meat during the day, while others break in at night. Photo: Supplied.

It's not just the overnight break-ins, there's also daylight incidents happening at his shops.

'A girl ran in and snatched a couple of items and ran out,” says Doug. 'She had been in the pharmacy and supermarket and the cameras have the car she was in but it has a wrong numberplate.”

A day earlier, on April 12, Doug posted to his Facebook page about another theft during the day at his Papamoa store.

'It's hard enough trying to keep up with high costs of running a business..this doesn't help..a nice piece of eye fillet whole gone that quickly.”

Doug has camera footage of the thief.

'The alarms went off, he was confronted outside by staff but swore at them and then took off.”

'I'm at the end of my tether,” says Doug. 'Even my staff notice I'm not the same person anymore.”

Police say they received a report about 11.30pm on Saturday that a burglary had occurred at a commercial premises on Owens Place between 9.15 and 9.50pm.

'A scene examination was carried out on Sunday morning,” says a police spokesperson.

Anyone who saw any suspicious activity in the area or who has information that might help Police identify those involved is urged to call 105 and quote file number 220423/9958.


Just a thought....

Posted on 27-04-2022 07:00 | By The Professor

....maybe the Police should focus on addressing this category of crime instead of focusing on drivers who are a couple of kms over the speed limit on a Public Holiday.


Posted on 27-04-2022 10:14 | By Bruja

There has to START being REAL consequences for crime. Yes, build more prisons and fill them!!! No more of this namby pamby hand-holding stuff. REAL sentences. No TVs, no hot showers. No 'nice food'. One book a week. No TV etc. Cold showers only. Porridge for breakfast, no milk, no sugar. A salad sandwich for lunch. Sausage or mince and veges for dinner. 2 litres of water a day. That's it.

I agree ...

Posted on 27-04-2022 12:23 | By morepork

... with the consensus. Penalties need to be stiffer and it should be possible to bring charges when thieves are identified. Doug is on the brink of packing it in and no-one could blame him. I can understand people stealing food (I don't condone it...) but the wanton damage is inexcusable. No need, and the culprits should be locked up.


Posted on 27-04-2022 12:27 | By Slim Shady

Maybe if people obeyed the traffic law then the Police could focus on serious crimes. But unfortunately people seem to think it's up to them which laws are worth following, which is no different to what these criminals think. Think about it.

Wanton damage

Posted on 27-04-2022 13:24 | By CliftonGuy

Smash and grab seems to be the order of the day at present. It is this type of criminal activity, and the lack of police inability (indifference?) to bring the perpetrators to justic, and the soft attitude of courts to criminals, that causes the rise of vigilantiasm.

@Slim Shady

Posted on 27-04-2022 19:09 | By The Professor

I was simply trying to make the point that the Police put in a significant amount of effort on easy pickings. I agree though, if drivers obeyed the rules this would free their time up. Following the rules however does not mean doing 15 or 20kph under the limit, especially give many limits have been reduced.


Posted on 30-04-2022 12:40 | By Slim Shady

Not sure why you mention doing 15-20 kph under the limit when there is no need to do that if driving to the law. Just stick to the law, but I guess you are trying to justify speeding by throwing some shade on bad drivers doing 15-20 kph under? As if their bad driving justifies others doing 15-20 kph over the limit perhaps. Which, lets face it, most Kiwis do all the time. The point I am making is the law is the law, and none of them optional. People who complain about others breaking a law, when they regularly do as well, are hypocrites. You can say it's not the same, it's just speeding, but these low life attach a similar significance to robbing or violence. Who are you to decide that one law should be followed and another can be ignored? Follow them all or shut up.

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