10:12:28 Saturday 8 March 2025

Candidates cry foul on election signs

Western Bay of Plenty District Council candidates are being given an advantage over their city counterparts when it comes to election signage.

Candidates in the district council can erect their candidacy signage anytime from August 12 – two months from polling day - but Tauranga City Council runners must wait until September 14.

Tauranga Mayoralty candidate Mike Baker and At-Large candidate Gail McIntosh say the election signage rules for City Council elections are unfair.

Tauranga City Mayoralty candidate Mike Baker is pushing the boundaries against what he calls a 'draconian” measure by TCC, which gives candidates six days of signage exposure before voting papers go out.

Mike, who has been cautioned by TCC's deputy electoral officer Yvonne Tatton for sign-writing his car to promote his candidacy, says the council's rules on election sign timing does not encourage people to vote, or let them know who is standing.

'I received a phone call from the deputy electoral officer, saying council received a complaint that my car was sign-written for election advertising, which apparently, according to the Candidates Book, is not permittable until September 14,” says Mike.

'The council themselves, I gather, has recently changed a bylaw since the last election.”

Since receiving the call Mike has covered up the words ‘Mayor' and ‘Council' on his signwritten vehicle.

'But I wasn't prepared to take off my name or the word ‘vote', because there are so many cars with advertising around town.”

'Her [Yvonne's] response was that it was 'pushing boundaries” but she didn't say it wasn't acceptable.”

Candidates were made aware they could not use advertising billboard-type signs – despite other cities already being plastered with them – but not cars, says Mike.

'My way of thinking is it's a moving sign board and I paid for advertising on my car. So I was under the impression that the same rules that applied in the past apply now. It appears the councillors have changed the rules in the last little while.”

'The concern I have is only 43 per cent of Tauranga City voters voted in the last election,” says Mike.

'If we don't get the message out, that there is an election on, there is every likelihood the number of voters this election will be lower. And 43 people out of 100 is pretty appalling return in itself.

'If you are not allowed to advertise at all until Saturday, September 14, which is four weeks before the closing date of the postal ballot, and voting papers start to be posted out on the September 20, you've only got a six-day timeframe to actually get your name out.”

Mike thinks the timeframe is significantly too short – 'especially when you hearing that places like Auckland, Rotorua and Hamilton have signs up. And I am not having any hoardings. My only advertising is in the local newspapers and my vehicle.”

Tauranga City at-large candidate Gail McIntosh has also sign-written her vehicle, but has not been approached by council to remove it.

'I've put ‘Tauranga City Council' and ‘Vote for Gail McIntosh' on my car, which is the obvious thing to do.”

'We were given a Candidates Booklet which stipulated rules and regulations. It clearly said not to put hoardings up [to September 14] and you could consider my car to be a moving hoarding.

'I just assumed it [September 14] was a mis-print. I know voting papers come out on September 20, and it does not seem logical that I can only put a hoarding up – whether it's on my car or a big static hoarding – for six days before the first people start voting,” says Gail.

Tauranga City Council deputy electoral officer Yvonne Tatton says the rule on timing of election signs being put in the district has been in place since 2011.

'The council adopted it in 2011. It's a council policy and there is reference to the Street Use of Public Places Bylaw. That means it is also a requirement under the Street Use of Public Places Bylaw,” says Yvonne.

'Council put it in place after the previous elections, which is due to complaints received from members of the public regarding election signs.”

But Gail is annoyed election hoardings are up in Rotorua, Auckland and her neighbouring Western Bay district.

'I seems unfair those in the Western bay can advertise already but I can't.

'And you've got to ask yourself why less people are standing for the election this time, and why less women are standing – they already think the process is undemocratic and it's a big cost to get these big signs up.”

Gail and Mike also planned to put up an election sign on an ASB Baypark TECT Arena billboard, but were told because it is a council-controlled organisation, it was against the rules.

'Now, with only six days before voting papers go out, I'm not even going to put a hoarding up. If they stick to the 14th of September – it cannot be worth it.”

Meanwhile, Western Bay Mayoralty incumbent Ross Paterson has begun putting his election signs up in his region and says his council has taken a fairly simple approach to rules on signage after receiving few complaints.

'We've kept a simple policy on elections signs, and have kept it that way so candidates can understand it … and we've had very few issues with signage in the district,” says Ross.

'Once the nominations have closed, people have been welcome to put up their elections signs, I have a few up myself, and I've been finding in the early days that people don't focus on there being an election coming up,” says Ross.

'So they might help people in getting into the election mode or arena and get them realising ‘hey there is an election coming',” says Ross.

The Western Bay's signage rules are made in the council's District Plan, which has been publicly consulted on, says Ross.

WBOPDC secretary Fleur Sweeney says the council's election page has a Candidate Handbook, which specifies the rules for election signs – and does not include a time restriction.

'We don't have those kinds of [timing] rules,” says Fleur.

'The rules in the candidate book arise out of our District Plan. We don't have anything separate or specific in terms of timing rules in relation to election signs. The District Plan rules cover signs in general.”


I support the ban

Posted on 23-08-2013 11:41 | By Steve Morris

As a candidate and non-incumbent I support the ban until the 14th. Notwithstanding faithful early morning sign checks and repairs by myself and one of my opponents, you'd think most people with their names and faces on signs would take a bit of pride in presentation; however, they generally don't and the resulting shambles is an eyesore. I acknowledge Mike's contribution to the food bank, but candidates in general should actually do something for their community in between elections rather than just putting their hands up every three years - that goes for some sitting councillors too!

Never mind the rules?

Posted on 23-08-2013 11:57 | By YOGI BEAR

Moan moan ... even Shearer got the message , took a while.

Good on ya

Posted on 23-08-2013 12:26 | By nzsister

Keep on scrapping like this with the current council - its all good free advertising!

are current councillors scared?

Posted on 23-08-2013 12:40 | By Mychoice

Good to see at least a couple of potential councillors with financial and accounting skills. This is what the city needs. I think many of the existing councillors are lacking in talent.


Posted on 23-08-2013 13:04 | By Jitter

What a couple of clowns we have here. Even I recall TCC changing the rules for campaign signage after the last election because of the disgusting state the city was in with signs planted at random everywhere. If they are not prepared to abide by the rules set by TCC they are not fit or intelligent enough to be elected to council. It is obviously one rule for them and another rule for everyone else. Does not bode well for Tauranga if these two are elected to council. What a fuss and criticsm of TCC when it is Baker and McIntosh who have broken the written rules and are in the wrong. They are the guilty ones. Mike Baker should stick to managing the Food Bank as it appears that there he has reached his level of competancy.

The ban things brigade

Posted on 23-08-2013 14:38 | By Mychoice

Replying to some of the comments, the chance to get your name out there is fundamental to democracy. Some do it through endless self-promotion, some do it through signs. Both are valid. But the public should be cautious and look for talented candidates. Self-promotion or for that matter signs are no guarantee of talent. Time for some changes.

Get a motor!!!

Posted on 23-08-2013 14:52 | By Sambo Returns

Steve rowing your own boat, must get tiresome.

How can it be unfair?

Posted on 23-08-2013 15:42 | By KwiSteve

If every candidate f Tauranga City council abides to the rules, it is a very fair playing field. If every candidate for the Western Bay council abides by their rules, once again it is a very fair playing field. If Mike Baker and Gail (wots her name) want to put up hoardings earlier, stand for a Western Bay Council seat! Pretty simple isn't it!

How can it be unfair?

Posted on 23-08-2013 15:42 | By KwiSteve

If every candidate f Tauranga City council abides to the rules, it is a very fair playing field. If every candidate for the Western Bay council abides by their rules, once again it is a very fair playing field. If Mike Baker and Gail (wots her name) want to put up hoardings earlier, stand for a Western Bay Council seat! Pretty simple isn't it!

@Sambo Returns

Posted on 23-08-2013 16:04 | By Steve Morris

Got a motor thanks, a 1957 Morris Oxford, complies with the rules too!

Fully Agree with Baker and McIntosh

Posted on 23-08-2013 18:18 | By carpedeum

Have just been to Kati Kati from The Mount today and all the signs are on the roadside as to who to give the tick to- for Western Bay- so why not Tauranga too ??


Posted on 23-08-2013 18:58 | By sangrae

how draconian is this council great leadership by Crosby are they all scared of competition?


Posted on 23-08-2013 20:42 | By KwiSteve

Crosby doesn't make the rules.

level playing field

Posted on 23-08-2013 21:46 | By Environmental education

Well I think it is great. Even better if they were banned totally to give a genuinely even playing field. This means candidates will be judged on their policies and character and not how much they can spend on getting their face plastered everywhere.


Posted on 24-08-2013 10:04 | By rosscoo

It should one rule for. All for one and one for all.

Uneven playing field

Posted on 24-08-2013 13:01 | By Mike Baker

I have just come into Bethlehem (just before the Z service station) and there erected on the side of the road, within the TCC boundary is a billboard promoting Ross Paterson as Mayor of Western Bay. So it appears that out of towners can advertise within our boundary but locals are not until the 14th September. How well the existing councillors appear to have been in protecting their own positions on Council with this draconian bylaw.

@ Mike

Posted on 24-08-2013 16:45 | By Plonker

I am sure you realize that Ross P is WBOP not Tauranga. In Tauranga the rules are clear and you have obviously not read them. This is of course reminds me of your three year stint at TCC where you supported Mayor Crosby on all of his schemes and plans. I would suggest you take the time and go read the rule book on signage.

How appropriate

Posted on 25-08-2013 10:30 | By Mike Baker

To plonker. The point that I was making "plonker" was that the Mayor of Western Bay is election advertising within the Tauranga City boundaries whereas local candidates cannot until the 14th September. Not a level playing field at all would be my view.i

How appropriate

Posted on 25-08-2013 10:30 | By Mike Baker

To plonker. The point that I was making "plonker" was that the Mayor of Western Bay is election advertising within the Tauranga City boundaries whereas local candidates cannot until the 14th September. Not a level playing field at all would be my view.i

How appropriate

Posted on 25-08-2013 10:30 | By Mike Baker

To plonker. The point that I was making "plonker" was that the Mayor of Western Bay is election advertising within the Tauranga City boundaries whereas local candidates cannot until the 14th September. Not a level playing field at all would be my view.i

How irrelevant

Posted on 25-08-2013 11:05 | By Plonker

Looks to me that you have said the same thing three times? (Stuck in the same groove on a piece of old vynal) I can not see why you are hung up on in The WBOP Mayoral race has nothing to do with you. PS great to see your real name here in the last wee while.

The Facts

Posted on 25-08-2013 15:49 | By Mike Baker

To plonker I do apologise for pressing the Post Comment 3 times in error. Unlike YOU Plonker I have always used my name and I have never ever used a synonym when posting Sunlive comments.

Pointless discussion

Posted on 26-08-2013 14:25 | By YOGI BEAR

Why is anyone bothering to even mention the WBOPDC elections, they have different rules for candidates. Mike if you like the rules there more than Tauranga then I suggest you stand there instead.

rule are rules

Posted on 26-08-2013 23:01 | By Capt_Kaveman

some need to read the T&C unfair for those that follow the rules, its upto Yvonne i guess


Posted on 30-08-2013 09:21 | By YOGI BEAR

Yeah mate, the rules are the rules, however some just seem to think that the rules apply to everyone else but ... for sure a sign of things to come I reckon.

Foul play Candidates cry?

Posted on 31-08-2013 14:27 | By YOGI BEAR

Can not see the credibility in this for those involved, particularly Baker he has been there once (to much) and should really be leading by example of how it is to be done properly if he is to be taken just a wee bit seriously.

Illegal parking

Posted on 04-09-2013 14:25 | By YOGI BEAR

Matey mate Mike Baker's car was seen this morning parked on Maunganui Road in the truck weigh station area by the Golf Course. It was there from about 7.30-9.00am. It was parked at right angles to the road so as all could see the signage both ways. just a compelte and utter disregard for the road bylaws and true and proper protocols of a "Wannabe" candidate. I am seriously concerned about Mike's repeated flagrant abuse of the rules, a really bad sign for the future if he gets any votes.


Posted on 04-09-2013 19:02 | By Te Ponui

on this one I totally agree with you. Break a little rule here a bigger one there. no credibility.

What else have they been doing?

Posted on 06-09-2013 10:08 | By YOGI BEAR

Breakfast at Bayfair was next after the naughty parking event occurred, a quick head count showed three candidates in on the part of the event.

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