9:54:33 Saturday 8 March 2025

Election wrangle over rates cap

Campaigning spilled over in the council chambers this week with one councillor attacking another over rates cap campaign statements.

Councillor Larry Baldock challenged the accuracy of Rick Curach's election postcard, where he claims councillors were forced to support his call for a two per cent cap on rates increases.

Councillor Larry Baldock and Rich Curach debated the rates cap in council chambers this week.

Larry, who voted for the rates cap when it was passed in January 2012, says no one was forced to vote for the rates cap, and that the rates cap was one of several options available to council.

Limiting rates increases was a government requirement, that chairman Bill Faulkner described at the time as the 'Rodney Hide memorial clause”. It is a legal requirement but it is not binding on the council, and is a ‘feel good' thing, Bill said at the time.

Councillor Catherine Stewart tried to stop Larry yesterday with a point of order saying Larry's accusation is inappropriate because of the looming local body elections.

Bill overruled her, saying it wasn't a point of order, but when Rick tried to respond to Larry, Bill shut him down saying it was partly for that reason.

Asked today what he would have said, Rick says he would have firstly congratulated Larry for supporting the rates cap, otherwise it wouldn't have gone through.

'It was a six-five vote in the end,” says Rick. 'But other than that; jeepers, he's grasping at straws if that's the only dirt he can find.

'I was quite surprised with his attempt to discredit me. I suppose what I though it was, he was trying to down play the government. Rodney Hide asked for a rate cap and the government introduced this watered down rate cap where they required us to set financial limits on rate increases, which is basically saying ‘put in a rate cap'.

'I think that's probably the motive. Just a little poke at government to downplay what I think was a good initiative to try and control council spending.”

The Government's change to the Local Government Act requiring councils to place limits on rates increases came after Rick had made two or three previous attempts to introduce a rates limit at Tauranga City Council.

'Larry says three times, definitely two. This certainly helped.

'He says I shouldn't use the word force, which is strictly correct because it didn't force members to support a rates cap. But it did force members to put some financial limit on rate increases or put some limit on rate increases. So it's splitting hairs really.”

The SunLive story on the rates cap is here:


Election spending

Posted on 26-09-2013 10:55 | By Sam Bailey

Well its nice to see Bill being bias on who he lets speak. Perhaps its time for Bill to re do his campaign spending, and find a partner to run the ad "Retire A BILL"

Larry lashing out

Posted on 26-09-2013 10:56 | By YOGI BEAR

Looks a bit desperate really, if Hyde required Councils to do something then there is an element of "forced". Although there is no evidence of Councils slowing down on spending, so the rates are capped sort of but the gap is covered by borrowing more?

What rates cap?

Posted on 26-09-2013 12:27 | By YOGI BEAR

Last year there was a $3.2m surplus that has just disappeared add that to the 2.6% average rate increase and it looks more like 6%, so what is the point of the rates cap then?


Posted on 26-09-2013 13:23 | By alderest

I agree with Sam, RETIRE A BILL and vote SAM BAILEY for Welcome Bay / Te Papa

Sure thing about Bill

Posted on 26-09-2013 15:17 | By Crash test dummies

Bill Bill .... Bills he is one of the major proponents of TCCs huge debt and rate increases since where debt has risen by some 250% over the last 8-9 years or so. He has certainly been reliable in spending wildly heaps a bills, debt and rates. Who wants more?


Posted on 26-09-2013 15:33 | By overit

They are all full of the blarney.

Its very easy!!!!

Posted on 26-09-2013 15:47 | By Sambo Returns

Throw something they all want into a ring, and watch them fight and squabble, Tony Christiansen included, ooops sorry we have that already, its called an election.


Posted on 26-09-2013 15:55 | By Crash test dummies

Before you criticise others maybe u should clear up the issue of the outstanding questions on your election declaration, it would be fair that voters had a clear independent full picture of the goings on there i think before you start throwing a few toys out of the cot and at others wee cots

What about 6 figure council salaries Cr Baldock?

Posted on 26-09-2013 16:39 | By Councillorwatch

Cr Baldock. I think to remember something about 6 figure council salaries last election campaign? What have you done about those salaries? How many have been cut? What are your skills? Will you run for parliament next election?


Posted on 26-09-2013 22:04 | By Capt_Kaveman

if the voters get it right these 2 will be gone and its time to have just ordinary people, not people who bloat about how they done right for themselves these seem to be the ones to look out for as these are the ones that like spending up large

Come now, Larry!

Posted on 27-09-2013 00:37 | By nerak

I suggest you heed advice to moderate your nit picking, if you want votes. I've said it elsewhere on this site, I resent my rates being spent on such balderdash! And I would have thought Cr Stewart was quite right in her point of order, but then poor old Bill seemed a tad confused, reading the article, appears he couldn't make up his mind whose side he was on!

False Pretences

Posted on 27-09-2013 06:01 | By freedomkiwis

I'm so glad I'm no longer a rate payer in Tga. After living away for some yrs then returning I have to point out that Tga has the WORST libraries we've ever been to. The are a disgrace to the council who obviously don't give them any priority at all. Towns smaller than us have more extensive libraries than we do. I think our council get paid to do nothing.

Councilor watch

Posted on 27-09-2013 10:21 | By Crash test dummies

Larry is just watching and thsts all he has done for three years. 6 figure salaries, there arr mpre of them on more money. So the opposite of promised has been achieved.

not really capped

Posted on 27-09-2013 15:08 | By Captain Sensible

As I recall TCC rates were "capped" at 2% + CPI + "growth", which to me, means the rates are not really capped at all.

The scoop here

Posted on 27-09-2013 18:00 | By The Master

At least Rick is honest so that gets a vote from me, he maybe honest with his hours a week attending meeting and all that.

What rate cap?

Posted on 27-09-2013 23:08 | By Crash test dummies

Captain, they said 2% + 0.6% growth + 3.2% for the vanishing surplus + staff cost savings 1.4% = means 7.2% rates hike for the year. Next year they say 10% more .... The pain keeps coming ...

All in denial

Posted on 28-09-2013 13:51 | By Crash test dummies

Where did all the money go, why is the debt so high ... No ideas from the current lot. But for sure the debt is there what ever excuses there are.

What rates cap

Posted on 29-09-2013 10:36 | By Plonker

If have spent all the money sitting there then the next step is to just borrow more, and that is what they have done.

Whdere did the surplus go?

Posted on 30-09-2013 10:54 | By YOGI BEAR

Councilors please explain where it went? because the ratepayers don't have it.

Rates RORT

Posted on 03-10-2013 16:19 | By The Master

Looks to be the usual smoke and mirrirs thing going on at City Hall, dissappointing really. All that is happening is trying to find better and better ways to extract $$$$ from the unsuspecting citizens.

What wrangle?

Posted on 10-10-2013 15:25 | By YOGI BEAR

It is a complete rip off and some, the rates increases have been shocking.

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